This is a Now page. It's less volatile than my social media feeds, but more updated than my professional profile or my about page.


I have a 2-year-old daughter, and she’s started going to occasional playgroups. Every weekend is a great time with her and my wife, Pam.

Pam, Luna, and I at a recent family vacation.

I’m loving this age — she’s started developing preferences and forming complete sentences, and having real feelings. I can see hints of a personality as she figures out how she wants to be in the world.

Titanium Birch

Earlier this year, I started working at Titanium Birch, a single family office started by the founder of ExpressVPN.

I’m enjoying diving into the accounting and automation opportunities. Going through accounting standards is such a blast from the past.

One exciting part about this role is how I can focus data work at a specific domain, rather than being a “generalist” data person who has to rely on other stakeholders for execution.

Rediscovering R

R was my first programming language, thanks to the influence of an early colleague at EY. I’ve slowly drifted away from it due to the skyrocketing popularity of Python and Rust for data engineering and data science.

I realise, however, that there are some fields that still actively use R, namely finance and healthcare, and they are fields in which careful, insightful analysis is extremely valuable, so I’ve decided to give it another look!


I’m pretty settled into my new writing setup, and I’ve been trying to keep up the habit of writing 300 words a day to start putting hands on keys and just coalescing my thoughts.

I’ve been making steady progress so far, and I’m happy with the stuff I’ve produced, but I’m going to start trying to improve my newsletter this time, and be more deliberate about the value I deliver to my list. Presently, it’s a random mix of things, but maybe for a personal newsletter, that’s what it should be.


See my reading page to see what I’ve been reading, whether books, articles, or other sources.