From its website, GNU Make is a tool which controls the generation of executables and other non-source files of a program from the program’s source files.

As a data person, Make has been intensely useful in creating containerized data science workflows that are reproducible and also lend themselves well to CI/CD tools like GitHub Actions, CircleCI, or Travis.

Custom Flags

Some flags allow you to modify the execution behavior of make.

- to not halt execution when command fails

    -docker pull tjpalanca/image

Adding the dash at the start allows you to “try” certain things that may or may not work in a CI context. In this example, we try to pull the latest version of the image to use as a cache, but it’s not an issue if it is unable to do so because we can always build from scratch.

@ to not echo code to be executed

    @docker pull tjpalanca/image

Adding the @ at the front inhibits echo-ing of the command that is executed, cleaning up your logs if you need access to it.