
Microposts are known by many other names, "tweets", "threads", or "toots". Either way, they are fleeting thoughts that I'd like to share with the world.

    With Super Duolingo, I found myself doing lessons repetitively to gain more XP, rather than maximising what I could learn by progressing further. I feel like incentivising based on “new words learned” would make it a more fulfilling experience.

    Someone needs to do a series on the various “stock exchange person facepalming and looking worried” photos on top of every piece of financial markets news these days.

    I resolved to write around 300 words a day, and apart from the actual writing output, I feel a lot less scatterbrained. Ulysses makes it effortless to set a daily writing goal. I love the pretty little graph the app makes to gamify the experience:

    Chinese tradition during weddings suggests gifting a red packet that at least offsets the cost of your seat, and there’s something beautiful about that, when done willingly.

    I’m settled into my new writing setup (hopefully, at least for the next year). Principles were:

    1. Use purpose-built apps for writing (Ulysses)
    2. Publish once on your site, syndicate elsewhere (Micro.Blog + Zapier + Buffer)
    3. Easy capture (Apple Shortcuts)

    As I’ve grown older and have less time, I’ve learned to appreciate the value of purpose-built apps over generalist ones, as they are maintained and improved by people apart from myself.

    Every time, I am tempted to dive into Wordpress, only to be sent fleeing by the sheer complexity and bloatedness of it all. It all seemed simple enough and I was determined not to use any themes or plugins, but even the default theme left a lot to be customized in a janky web editor.