
    On the Economics and Data of Love, Dating, and Relationships

    Last Valentine’s Day, I was asked by my former college organization to deliver a talk on the “data of love, dating, and relationships” as part of their Young Economists' Lecture and Learning Series at De La Salle University.

    I thought I’d share the presentation with you and put this up for posterity’s sake. Hopefully, you can piece together what I was talking about.

    I’d appreciate it if you liked, tweeted, shared, or +1’ed this post on your preferred social network, as well as shared your thoughts in the comments section.

    On the Risk-Return Relationship of your Love Life

    The Chinese Zodiac predicts your love compatibility with people of other signs, but let’s do more than that and bring statistics to the superstition. (Photo: Janet Hudson/Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0)

    RETURNS ON LOVE - Chinese astrology tells of certain animal signs that, because of their inherent characteristics, have varying love compatibilities with each other. By applying statistics to superstition, we can also determine - generally - how nice, and how rocky, your love life ought to be based on your ruling animal. Also, we find that there is no positive risk-return relationship in Chinese astrology; that is, having a tumultuous love life doesn’t guarantee a reward.

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    On Annoying Elevator Companions

    Elevator rides, despite being tediously mind-numbing moments spent avoiding awkward eye contact, are a necessary evil of city life, but sometimes, there are just some elevator companions that are bent on making your elevator rides even more of an annoyance than they already are. I’ve gone through my fair share of elevator rides, and would like to share four types of elevator companions that make me wish the doors cleave them in half (pardon the morbidity, it’s just hyperbole). If you’ve read my post on annoying drivers you’ll see that there are many things that annoy me.

    Let’s see if you agree with me.

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    On Annoying Drivers

    I hate slogging through Manila traffic. It’s a horrible waste of time to spend an hour on an otherwise ten minute trip. What’s worse - there are drivers who think that being a good driver means that you gain five seconds at the expense of multiple minutes for everyone else.

    After a couple of years of this madness, I’ve had just about enough of it, and the only way I can release my road rage is here. I’ve isolated five of the most annoying types of drivers that make me want to pull my hair out.

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    On Graphs: Finals Week

    This finals week was definitely the most gruelling of my college life. Here are a few visualizations that sum up my sentiments: